
Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Story so Far

I'm sure everyone has been eagerly awaiting an update on our big event! First and foremost both Mama and baby are well and resting after a long day yesterday. Gavin spent the night in the NICU due to low blood sugar but is in good hands and should be fine. Amanda got to spend an hour with him overnight and I was with him for a little over an hour this morning. Little trooper is already a fussy eater! Hopefully his levels will even out today and they'll bring him back up.

As far as the birth went yesterday, the nurses and doctors were fantastic. The induction started just before 9am yesterday and progressed nicely throughout the morning. They broke the water around 1:45 and that's when all the fun started! At that point, the labor progressed very quickly. The contractions got so bad that we decided a epidural was necessary. Once that was completed Amanda was able to relax for awhile before the pushing started. My strong little wife pushed her hardest for 1.5 hours but little Gavin's head was just too big. The rest went so fast. Surgery prep, surgery, holy crap its a boy, clean the baby, move the baby to nursery and mom to recovery, mom to room, baby to NICU, goodnight! It was a little emotional not having a lot of time to spend with our treasure last night, but I'm just thankful that both Mom and Gavin are doing well and getting more rest! Plus, me heart goes out to all the parent I saw in the NICU this morning. I felt guilty asking about our baby's blood sugar when so many parents were just down there praying that their baby will pull through. Again, all the credit and props in the world go to all of the caring nurses and doctors here that do this every day.

I'll post an update soon and thanks for checking in!

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