
Friday, April 4, 2014


MJ ready to watch some hoops

More slide time

Sliding with mama

March 22 crew game with dad

Peanut's not sure about the weather yet

Hanging with Uncle Brad and Keags

First trip to the park

March 2014

Peanut just hanging out

Spring walk

March 18, 2014

Pretty peanut

Gavin goofing around on mama's birthday

Chocolate lipstick

This kid can climb!

Jackets time

Popcorn, norm norm nom

March 11 Blue Jackets game!

Gavin had roasted smurf for dinner

Walking the dogs in the snow

Again, late Feb 2014

Gavin and hans

Ready for a nap. Late Feb 2014

MJ and mama at Bob Evans

Late Feb 2014

Gavin teaches MJ

Sorry no posts since February! This is a pick of Gavin teaching MJ the finer points of using a cell phone.