
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hello minivan!

MJ loves the Ipad

Gavin has tasty cars

Norm norm nom

Dinner time fun!

Looking for Wampas on Hoth

Gavin solo

Bye bye mama's car!

MJ says hi to cousin Keags

Big February snow fun with mama

Covered in snow

Keags about to stab her dada

Super-fun sled time!

Dinner time in February

The three amigos

G at the great train expo in January

Dinner with Nolan and Eli

Visit to the Kurgis's in mid-January

Gavin and Nolan are updating their Facebook status.

G and MJ. Wrassling at bedtime

Peanut starting to crawl in early January

G's 3 year checkup!

M&M close up

More M&M's

Special M & M's from Gas birthday

Fun with sister

Clearing out the early January snow

Fun at bedtime

G and MJ playing in the mirror

Chillin watching the Wings on new years day

Peanut in pink PJs

From around new years

Sunny day in late December

Playing in the landscape at Gramps and Grams


Been a little lazy with this blog over the last month or so so all posts from today will be from January and February 2014. I'll try to post approximate dates with each.