
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Smith and Darling Family Christmas!

This weekend we traveled to Port Huron, Michigan for the annual celebration with the Smith and Darling Families.  The plan was to drive up Friday and come home Sunday, but our plans were somewhat altered mid-day Friday.  We stopped in Perrysburg just south of Toledo and Gavin thought it would be a good time to get car sick and toss his cookies all over himself and his car seat while we were on the off ramp!  Poor little guy!  We stopped at a McDonalds to clean him up and that when I noticed engine coolant all over the floor of the passenger side on my car!  Turns out the heater core decided to leak but luckily we found it or we could have been stranded somewhere on the side of the road!  I found a garage nearby and the helpful guys were able to arrange for the part to arrive Saturday morning and they had the work done by 3:00 on Saturday.  Lucky for us Amanda's Dad came up from Bucyrus and took us back to spend the night at their house.

After getting the car on Saturday we made it to Port Huron by 6:00, only 27 hours later than we had expected!  it was a fun but short visit as we played games, shared Christmas, and had excellent food and drink with our extended family.  Sunday involved more visiting and the drive back to Columbus with no further cookie tossing from our little guy.  Below are some highlights.

Don't you dare take my cookie...


Baby Claire gets a giant bear from Zach!

Uncle Brad is jealous of Gavin's new bear...

More presents for Claire


Minnie mouse for Claire and...

Pluto for Gavin!


Morning toons with Uncle Brad.

Working on a puzzle with Dada.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gavin's official Santa Picture

I didn't have a chance to post this yet. This picture from this past Saturday will go down in our record books as Gavin's first official visit with Santa. At least Santa was smiling!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Snack time at the sitters house

Why do I have the feeling this scene will be repeated at a bar in 20 years?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Spying on Dada

Surprise park visit

I surprised Gavin today with a stop by the park since it was warm out. He made me so sad last Friday when he whispered "bye bye park" when we drove past it. He had lots of fun today using the equipment wrong. Sliding down the stairs and walking up the slide!